Yesterday was a not-so-good diet day. I'm learning my "triggers" when it comes to eating too much. My biggest trigger is allowing myself to get too hungry before I eat. Basically, I ate lunch yesterday, and then Matt and I were volunteering for an event last night. Well, I ended up spending my dinner time getting ready to leave, and then didn't eat. We got home around 10:30pm and I was starving. So I ate a quesadilla. I was still hungry, so I ate another. Then I realized I blew it, so I had a bowl of ice cream...lol! Not my finest diet moment!
My other trigger is telling myself I'll "just eat one" of whatever it is I really like. The problem is, I can't stop at just one. So if I make a batch of macaroons (which are my favorite thing ever) and then I freeze them, I will eat them. If I say "I'll just have one as a treat" I won't just have one, I'll justify my eating all of them, and then feel guilty. So it's better for me to not leave temptation lying around! Plus, I really enjoy healthy foods. The other night I was hungry, but was almost out of calories for the day. I happened to have a bag of spinach, and a container of mushrooms. So I made myself a plate of them, and ate that for a snack-- for about 20 calories. No guilt, plus it's good for you! I just need to remember that when macaroons temptations are staring me in the face! I LIKE HEALTHY FOODS!! I'm going to keep saying that to myself!
Here's hoping that next week is as good diet-wise as this week has been!